Download video from YouTube to mp4, no accounts, registration or software needed
You can either copy video URL from the app and paste it here.
Or you can search YouTube from this box, just type in something and pick a search tag.
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Ana Ekrana Ekle
Try our web-app, it's easy to use and it's very tiny, occupies barely any space on your Smartphone, doesn't need updates, and in general looks and acts as any app that you get from the app store. It's just more native to handheld devices. Try it out. You can always delete this app by selecting the uninstall option, it works on Android and Windows devices, so both your Galaxy S9 and AMD Laptop will work, plus the desktop.
Bookmarklet is a browser bookmark that does just tiny bit more than the normal bookmark. In this case when you press this bookmark it will send you here and with you the URL address of the page you were on, when the bookmark was pressed. So basically open some YouTube video or playlist you'd like to convert to mp4 and hit this bookmark, - it will save the hassle of copy-pasting the video page URL into the search box.